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"I am impressed by Carol's positive reinforcement, her infinite, inexhaustible capacity to infectiously transmit the joy of singing in every lesson - be it of a single note, a musical phrase, a song, an operatic aria, or a Vaccai exercise. Carol has keen intuitive skills in knowing when to push, when to hold back, how much to correct. She treats each student as a unique individual and is loved and cherished by all her students." - Friederike Seligman
"I'm so grateful for Carol's help. She saved my voice from wobble and ruin, such an achievement there, and I'm encouraging her to make a record of her teaching through audio and video for posterity in a way similar to Vennard's, especially in the way she uses Vaccai." - Daniel Zipperer
"Carol Bell is a true treasure. Her excellence as a voice teacher goes beyond her knowledge of how the voice works and the proper technique required for a beautiful sound. She also has a deep understanding of, and care for, the individual. Working with Carol has been a true delight. I have learned so much more about technique from her than from any other teacher I have had and, as a result, my voice is more free than it has ever been. Her master classes are an invaluable part of my training with her, providing a safe environment to work on the performance aspects of the music we study. These classes have given me more confidence, poise and expression in my performances. I am forever grateful to her for her strength as a teacher and for her supportive friendship." - Asa Wild
"I attribute most of the success I've had as a singer to Carol and her keen sense of vocal analysis, professionalism, sensitive ear, and the ability to decipher just what a student needs to sing with the best of our talents. She is a warm and loving woman who makes friends of all her students in an easy and nurturing manner." - Harry Pickup
"Carol Bell is a wonderful person as well as a caring teacher! I studied with her late in my singing days and I credit her with helping me to sing as long as I have. Lessons with Carol are both educational and humorous giving you something to look forward to each week. Participating in her annual Studio concerts or Opera One performances brought me great joy. Carol is definitely 'one of a kind.'" - Camille Herman
"I want to express my deep gratitude to Carol Bell for her gracious and loving way of teaching vocal technique to me. I came to her, a middle-aged woman with decades of choral training, but no technique. My off-days were more numerous than my good days of singing. With only three years of training under my belt, I now have much more control over my voice, 'good days' are my new normal, and she has taught me what I can do to correct my sound placement and air flow.
Carol is growing me into the soloist that I aspire to be, as well as a better trained choral singer. And to top it all off, I have a wonderful new friend in her. Thank you Carol for your patience and professionalism. You are amazing!" - Karen Wilkins

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